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Adobe Subscription

From Consumer Action Taskforce
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False advertising[edit | edit source]

Adobe advertises their products on their website as if they were a monthly subscription. However, they sign you up for a yearly subscription without your knowledge.

Adobe has a 2 week free cancel policy and after that, you have to pay to cancel your Adobe subscription

They will then offer you deals to stay with Adobe longer, that way you go over their 2 week free cancel policy and have to pay to cancel.

How to pay less to cancel[edit | edit source]

If you have to pay to cancel, there is a way to bypass having to pay as much money as they are offering.

On your adobe account, you can swap your plan with a much cheaper plan. You will have to pay for this new plan.

Then, using their 2 week free cancel policy, you can then cancel for free and both plans will be canceled.

However, you have avoided having to pay as much to cancel as you would have normally.