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Consumer Action Taskforce:CAT policy index

From Consumer_Action_Taskforce

This page contains a list of all current CAT policy documents, with a brief explanation of each. If you believe that a document is here by error, spot an inconsistency within the policies, or believe that a document is missing, please let an admin know via their talk page, or via the Discord.

Mission statement

Writing guidelines

The follwing pages contain guidelines for writing articles:

  • Article types - contains an overview of the different article types on the Wiki, and when it is appropriate to create them
  • Inclusion guidelines - contains further guidelines on what makes anarticle or topic suitable for the Wiki
  • Editorial guidelines - contains a high-level view of how content on the wiki should be written
  • Wiki content policies - contains our interpretation of Wikipedia's three main content policies: NPOV, Verifiability, and NOR
  • Style guide - contains information about writing and formatting standards for the Wiki
  • Moderator guidelines - contains guidelines on the enforcement of Wiki policy
  • Living persons policy - contains guidance for writing articles on, or relating to, living people
  • Anonymity and vagueness in citations - [page may be reworked] contains guidance on the interpretation of sources, and on when certain sources may be used
  • Tools for writing articles - contains information on useful tools for writing articles

Other guidelines

  • Categorization - contains guidelines on how categories should be applied to articles, detailing the Wiki's categorization system
  • Talk page guidelines - contains guidelines on using talk pages

Special pages

The following pages contain other useful information or functionality for contributors:
