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Consumer Protection Profile

From Consumer Action Taskforce
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This page is currently an unofficial draft under discussion with the admin team. It has not been approved for use.

Please do not treat this as authoritative documentation until officially approved.

The Consumer Protection Profile (CPP) is intended to be an 'at-a-glance' summary of a product or organization.

Since objective commentary is vital, all pages using the CPP must adhere to the same standards.

Categories[edit | edit source]

There are strictly 3 categories:

  1. Privacy
  2. Transparency
  3. Freedom

Each category may have a status of:

  1. No Concerns
  2. Minor Concerns
  3. Moderate Concerns
  4. Significant Concerns

Deciding Statuses[edit | edit source]

Since each category is different, each needs different criteria by which a status is decided.

To decide the status for Privacy:

  1. No Concerns: There are no referenced incidents or contracts that negatively impact consumers' privacy
  2. Minor Concerns: There is at least 1 referenced incident or contract that negatively impacts consumers' privacy
  3. Moderate Concerns: There is at least 1 referenced incident or contract that proves that consumer data is shared with third parties
  4. Significant Concerns: There is at least 1 referenced incident or contract that proves that consumer data is sold to third parties

To decide the status for Transparency:

  1. No Concerns: There are no referenced incidents or contracts that bring the transparency of the company/service into question
  2. Minor Concerns: There is at least 1 case of unclear or undefined documentation of users' rights
  3. Moderate Concerns: There are 2 or more cases of unclear or undefined documentation of users' rights
  4. Significant Concerns: There is at least 1 referenced major incident involving transparency

To decide the status for Freedom:

  1. No Concerns: There are no referenced incidents or contracts that negatively impact consumers' freedom
  2. Minor Concerns: There is at least 1 referenced incident or contract that negatively impacts consumers' freedom
  3. Moderate Concerns: There is at least 1 referenced major incident pertaining to consumer freedom OR The paid user of a product/service by the company is not entitled to ownership of the product
  4. Significant Concerns: There is at least 1 referenced major incident that proves the company/product/service does not currently perform it's promised function(s)