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Canon EOS Webcam Utility patch guide

From Consumer_Action_Taskforce
Revision as of 01:30, 21 January 2025 by Karar (talk | contribs) (use ol & li html elements)

This article will instruct how to remove the subscription requirement from the Canon EOS Webcam Utility.


This method has not been tested thoroughly, and technical expertise may be required.

For macOS

  1. Install the PKG from https://www.usa.canon.com/cameras/eos-webcam-utility
  2. When finished installing, navigate to /Applications/EOS Webcam Utility/EOS Webcam Utility Pro.app
  3. Right click > "Show package contents"
  4. Right click "Contents" > "Get info", and give your user read and write permission over the directory (ensure you click "..." > "Apply to enclosed items")
  5. Install the asar CLI utility.
  6. Open a terminal inside of EOS Webcam Utility Pro.app/Contents/Resources
  7. Extract the application by running: asar e app.asar appunpk
  8. Open appunpk/eos-webcam-utility/main.<abunchofnumbers>.js
  9. Find the constructor for class t by looking for the instance of this.selectMode$
  10. In the class, define the function getValue() as follows...
    class t extends d1 {
        constructor(e, n) { ... }
        getValue() {
            return {
                "username": "consumer_rights",
                "profile": {
                    "nickname": "consumer_rights"
                "uuid": "1234567890",
                "active": 1,
                "isPro": true,
                "subscription": {
                    "val": {
                        "status": {
                            "displayStatus": "ACTIVE"
                "keyAuth": "1234567890"
  11. Now, search for checkAuthUser() {, and replace the contents of the .subscribe(n => { call such that it looks something like this:
    this.event$.pipe(ql(2e3)).subscribe(n => {
    // below the above call, there will be code that handles the "get-authen-user" event.
    // replace the ternary expression: h ? e.subscriptionRegister(c, f, m) : e.subscriptionUnregister(), with: e.subscriptionRegister(c, f, m)
  12. edit appunpk/package.json by removing the line: "eos-addon": "file:./build",
  13. Run npm install
  14. Reverse the change from step 12.
  15. Ensure you are in the EOS Webcam Utility Pro.app/Contents/Resources directory before running: asar p appunpk app.asar

You should now have a patched Canon EOS Webcam Utility application that does not require a subscription to use.