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From Consumer_Action_Taskforce

Founded in 2002, Sonos is an American company that specializes in audio devices, including wireless speakers, home theater systems, and headphones.

"Recycle mode"

In 2019, Sonos rendered formerly perfectly working devices, such as Connect, Connect:Amp, ZP90, ZP80, ZP100, ZP120, and Play:5 (Gen 1) into paperweights by disabling them altogether because those devices were no longer receiving software updates. Customers were offered a 30 percent discount on a new Sonos device if they accepted Sonos to intentionally remotely brick their existing device. Once a device is in Sonos' "Recycle Mode," it can no longer be used[1][2]. Sonos later ended this highly controversial and environmentally unfriendly program, but the damage was already done to otherwise still working hardware[3].

However, since 2023, an open source project was created to recover devices that Sonos had put into "Recycle Mode"[4].
