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From Consumer_Action_Taskforce
Revision as of 01:32, 19 January 2025 by JamesTDG (talk | contribs)

Latest comment: 19 January by JamesTDG

There is so much to be added here. I have a busy weekend, but will leave small notes here for later for either myself or others to add.

Nintendo shut down a Smash Bros tournament for using a mod to play online as use of unauthorized modifications when the purpose was SAFETY DURING COVID

Nintendo shut down a charity to fund for mental health after streamer Etika committed suicide, it was in honor of him

Vimm's lair, emuparadise, $12M lawsuit

The Nintendo creator program on YouTube, dropping ambassadors for talking about mods, taking down videos of modded Zelda games

The taking down of tons of fan games, sometimes in favor of a game that is time limited

The time they banned all my payment methods and account, blocking me from making purchases because their system flagged me as fraud from refreshing a pre-order page too many times

And of course, 7 years ago when they automatically opted everyone into forced arbitration in the Switch EULA, and opt out was manually requested

The only thing I don't think we can cover is vimm/Emuparadise. Discuss it with people on the discord if you want to get a general idea. JamesTDG (talk) 01:32, 19 January 2025 (UTC)Reply