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Sample Bio: Lady Galadriel, Mistress of Lothlorien


               Galadriel was born in the Undying Lands of Valinor, where she grew up under the Light of the Two Trees, eventually joining the Great Migration to Middle-Earth and remaining there for several centuries, where she would eventually establish a safe-haven for Elvenkind who could not or had not yet returned to the Undying Lands in the West. Galadriel has held the titles of "Captain of the Armies of Lindon", and “The Lady of Lorien”, where she ruled jointly with her husband Celeborn. She was, by many accounts, a powerful orator, negotiator, and fierce warrior. Her actions in times of great calamity have been well-documented, primarily pertaining to the Rings of Power.


               Galadriel had a hand in what the Elves refer to as “The Kinslaying”, a brief but violent civil war that shortly followed their landing in Middle-earth. During the First Age, Her participation in this battle resulted in her banishment from the Undying Lands, as consequence for spilling the blood of her fellow Elves needlessly. Centuries later, in the Second Age, she would find herself involved in the forging of the Rings of Power, which turned out to be a ploy by Sauron to exert domination over all beings in Middle-Earth. In the Third Age, during the Second War of the Ring, Galadriel made efforts to remedy the consequences of her earlier failures (primarily, her failure to stop Sauron from forging the Rings), by providing information, aid, and comfort to the dedicated factions who stood against Sauron upon his return.

Links to related Coverage:

Galadriel Biography

The Rings of Power

The Kinslaying