Retroid Pocket MINI Handheld
The Retroid Pocket Mini is a compact handheld gaming console designed for enthusiasts of retro gaming. Released in late 2024, it features a 3.7-inch AMOLED display with a 4:3 aspect ratio, ideal for classic game formats. The device runs on Android 10 and is equipped with hardware capable of emulating platforms up to the PlayStation 2 and GameCube, delivering smooth performance at 60 frames per second. Users have praised its vibrant display and robust emulation capabilities. However, some have reported issues with certain graphical effects in emulated games, leading to limited return options offered by the manufacturer. Despite these concerns, the Retroid Pocket Mini remains a popular choice for those seeking a portable retro gaming experience.
Basic Information | |
Release Year | 2024 |
Product Type | Hardware |
In Production | Yes |
Official Website | |
Consumer impact summary
This is a list of all consumer protection incidents related to this product. Any incidents not mentioned here can be found in the Retroid Pocket MINI Handheld category.
See also